Wednesday, May 2, 2007


This week, through the ISED list-serv, I learned about Ning. It's a social networking site where you can actually create your own social network. You make your OWN My Space. I'm a member of the Global Education ning, and this morning I felt a kind of unexpected freedom associated with this membership that I've never felt with My Space. When I checked my email I had four friend requests and after the initial lurch of protectiveness passed, I realized that the chances of these four potential "friends" being spammers, wanna-be porn stars, or lascivious teenagers were slim. I clicked accept on the first friend box without even hesitating.

Then I clicked and clicked again and now I have four friends. I do not worry that I'll click on their profile and see a photo of him or her butt-forward into the camera. I know that they're a member of this network because they want to discuss global education. I've already got about five ideas for how I can use this with middle school children (a class social network for discussing homework with teachers as members as well), with teachers at my school (issues discussion?), and even schools in other countries with which we're designing collaboration. Freedom.'s like a loose pair of pants you put on at the end of the day. Wait, does that make Ning my "fat pants?"

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