Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Technology Planning

Our school's 3 year technology plan expired this summer. This year, I am tasked to create a new one. It looks and sounds so simple, only three small words: create a new one. Yet the task requires herculean research, collaboration and refinement. I've started by making a plan for the plan. Yes, you read that right. One of my first steps is to research other schools' and our state's technology plan. While engaged in that step, I came across ISTE's Technology Support Project. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created a process that is supposed to "identify effective technology support models for schools while taking into consideration the unique characteristics of the educational environment....The Technology Support Index (TSI) assessment is a tool for schools and districts to profile their technology support programs and to provide solutions based on those unique profiles." I'm not sure how many people have used this tool. but I did find it linked on the School Computing Wiki's technology planning page. There are some helpful web links there that I will not reproduce here, but I will share our plan for the plan:

Tentative Planning Schedule
3 Year Tech Plan

Interested Parties:
Technology Coodinator (ABD), Computer Support Specialist (PO), Lower School Director (SG), Upper School Director (LA), Head of School (JZ), Plant Manager (DH), Business Manager (AG), Development Director (DC), teachers, parents, students, church members and board members.

Lunch with students to elicit ideas
Lunch with teaches to elicit ideas
Coffee with parents
Attend Board Meeting or just elicit ideas via email?
National Schools Research—where do you put resources?
McDonough (Baltimore)
Beaver Country Day School (Boston)
Collegiate (NYC)

Research existing Tech Plans (Incl. public school plans)
Work with head to articulate a mission statement.

November hold all lunches and meetings
December draft initial plan, including budget projections
January submit to Head and revise as necessary
February, complete and publish

Do we need assistance with the process?

Action items from Oct 10 Meeting:
1. Develop essential questions/ reference previous examples.
2. Identify point people for each focus group.
3. Notify parents of the process.
4. Develop mission statement with Head.
5. Identify board members for input.
6. Schedule dates for focus groups in November.

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